Repair Service

If You have a damaged Canon camera or a Canon compatible lens, and You don’t want to repair it by yourself, You can send it to me.
Hungarian clients should use my Hungarian homepage:


Within Europe, the shipping is about 20-32 EUR one way so You can calculate with 40-64 EUR shipping cost.

Repair costs

Before sending the equipment You will get on email a preliminary price offer. There are some works, which have standard prices, and others, which can be only estimated.


Canon EF 24-105 F4 IS only changing the aperture flex cable and internal cleaning is approx. 60 EUR this type of repair has no sense, I don’t offer it anymore
Canon EF 24-105 F4 IS collimating the lens (image is not sharp because of bad alignment, after a falling down or unprofessional repair) approx. 50 EUR
Canon EF 24-105 F4 IS changing the aperture flex cable, internal cleaning and aligning approx. 90 EUR

Canon 40d adjusting the AF sensors (all sensors, not just a global offset) with software approx. 30 EUR
Canon 40d broken main mirror repair and adjusting the AF sensors approx. 150 EUR


I do repairs through my small company (UH technika Bt.), and You will get on invoice about the executed work. Normally in Hungary, we have to offer a warranty for servicing over an invoice value of  65 EUR, which is 6 months (only on the executed work). For repairs with an invoice value under 65 EUR, I offer a warranty of 3 months.

Spare parts

I keep on stock only the usual flex cables for lenses, and some used spare parts from disassembled damaged cameras.
As I don’t have commercial activity, I don’t sell spare parts – but I can help You to find the best possibility to buy it directly. I will never assume any responsibility about the spare parts purchased by You – even if it was purchased from somebody recommended by me. Be careful – ebay is very comfortable and cheap – but the case of a damaged/bad part You will get troubles…


Ruzsa János
country: Hungary
postal cod: HU-1012
city: Budapest
address: Matray u. 5-7, fsz. 8.

Shipping only after we change some emails about conditions.